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Global Learning

A student bends over to pick rice in Taiwan

The world is more interconnected and interdependent than ever. And at Parker, Global Perspective is one of our core values.

Knowledge of the world and global competency promotes habits of critical thinking, effective collaboration, innovation, and empathy. By building awareness of cultural influences on individual behavior and world events, students are better equipped to become good citizens of their local and broader communities.

Globally Competent Students:
  • Understand community
  • Make connections between local and global community
  • Know geography (people and places)
  • Are open to other cultures
  • Are able to communicate in another language
  • Have knowledge of current events
  • Have strong problem-solving skills
A woman in a bright red outfit performs a cultural dance for a group of elementary school students

Lower School

World Languages

The opportunity to reach beyond borders and become global citizens starts in the Lower School during world language classes. JK students start in Spanish class, and SK to Grade 5 students choose between continuing Spanish or taking Mandarin. 

Aid Fundraising

Lower School student council leaders raise funds to purchase school supplies to donate to children in countries visited by Parker Middle and Upper School students during Discovery Week and Global Studies trips.

Language, Culture, and Identity Week

In the spring, the Lower School celebrates Language, Culture, and Identity Week, where friends of Parker share their globally diverse backgrounds through cultural performances (pictured), interactive lessons, and an international food festival.

Middle School

World Language

Continuing their required World Language studies from Lower School, Middle School students choose between Spanish, Mandarin, and French classes.

Discovery Week

During Discovery Week, students travel to a variety of locations where they participate in programs that foster self-reliance and cultural awareness, enhance language skills and historical knowledge, and provide opportunities for students to make real-world connections to what they have studied.

Preparation begins within advisory and language classes in the months prior to traveling, and students process their experiences through a series of journaling activities.

Previous Discovery Week destinations:
  • Costa Rica
  • China
  • France
  • New Zealand
  • Taiwan
  • Singapore
A group of boys crowd around an elderly man in a lush forest
4 girls smile at the camera

Upper School

World Language

Continuing their required World Language studies from Middle School, Upper School students choose between Spanish, Mandarin, and French classes.

Global Studies

Upper School students are encouraged to participate in unique, educational travel opportunities. The Global Studies program is designed to provide students with a variety of opportunities to experience other cultures and societies in unique ways that move beyond conventional sightseeing vacations and travel tours.

These 14-day programs are centered around sustainable cultural exchange, global engagement, educational travel, and student leadership.

Previous Global Trip Destinations
  • India
  • Cambodia
  • The Balkans
  • Colombia
  • South Africa
  • Fiji
  • China
  • Argentina
  • Ecuador
  • Kenya
  • Morocco
  • Spain

Got the travel bug?

Inquire to access information sessions on our global learning programs (and other great programming!), register for campus tours, and more.